New Episodes Drop Every Sunday!


Dec. 11, 2021

Smokey Mirror Podcast #2 - Brandon Soto - How to get Started & How to change the WORLD

Brandon Soto and I have been friends for more than a decade. We grew up together and ran together on the middle school track team. One day in Jr. high, Brandon and I walked home from school together. I don't know why. I rarely ever walked home, save for a…

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Dec. 1, 2021

Smokey Mirror Podcast #1: Astroworld, BBLs, Tory Lanez, Fake American Dream & More w/ Senith Berhane

Do you have something to say? DM me on Instagram@skut.smoke if you'd like to record a podcast. I'm looking for a few types of people: - those who want to have nuanced, possibly controversial conversations with the purpose of finding solutions to problems experienced by your community or society at…

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